
Att undervisa barn

Att undervisa barn

Den här boken från Ruhi-institutet gör dig till handledare för barnklasser i grannskapet. Du utgår från bahá'í-värdegrunder och med lekfulla aktiviteter integreras barnen i grannskapsarbetet.

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Drum Circle Facilitation

Drum Circle Facilitation

Author: Arthur Hull
Sökord: Andlighet, Barn, Musik

As the popularity for drum circles continues to grow, the need for facilitators increases as well. Written by the foremost authority in this field, Arthur Hull offers his insights, plans and practical strategies to become a facilitator - regardless of your musical background...

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Nya inlärningsrevolutionen
Spiritual Mothering

Spiritual Mothering

Essays written by parents around the world on themes vital to every parent and parent-to-be, including ‘The Noble Job of Parenthood’, ‘Love and Nurturing’, ‘Becoming a Non‑Critical Parent’ and ‘Developing Spiritual Capacities’.

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